
This package is a hack for making qmail only relay those clients who have
authenticated with pop3 less than a given time ago. The most common example
of this is www.yahoo.com.
We have searched the web for a hack like this because we needed it
installed at www.mymail.ro, our public mail service. We couldn't find
anything that worked out-of-the-box, so we decided to write our own hack. We
made it public because we think there are more like us out there and hope that
at least our solution will work out-of-the-box in most cases.
Qmail-hacks was put together by Mihnea Balta and Costin Grigoras. Auth-relay
(as well as this documentation) was written by
Mihnea Balta.
This package contains 5 things:
- pop3-authd: this is a daemon process which runs in the background,
gets data from syslogd and keeps track of which IPs log on using
pop3. It currently supports WU's ipop3d, vpopmail and the hacked
version of qmail-pop* bundled with this package.
- auth-wrap: this is a wrapper for qmail-smtpd which uses the data from
pop3-authd. You have to rename your old qmail-smtpd to
qmail-smtpd.noauth and copy the auth-wrap executable as qmail-smtpd
in the bin/ directory of your qmail installation
- ipop3d-hack: this is a hack for WU's ipop3d. When using sslwrap to
provide pop3-ssl, the connections appear to come from Thus,
the clients authenticated through pop3s will not be relayed. This
patch adds the command "SSL ip_address:password" to the pop3 daemon,
which makes it log the connection as coming from the specified IP. The
password should only be known by the sslwrap program and the pop3
daemon, as it is used for validating the command. I used imap-2000c
as starting point.
- sslwrap-hack: this is sslwrap patched to send the SSL: command when
connecting to port 110. Warning: do not use it with normal ipop3d.
- qmail-pop-hack: this directory contains hacked versions of
qmail-popup and qmail-pop3d to use when running pop3 with qmail's
daemons. See the INSTALL
section for details about when to install these hacks.
In order to run the software included with this package you need the following: